Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) attended the live broadcast of Yan Chai Charity Show
(慈善星輝仁濟夜) which was held at Tseung Kwan O (將軍澳). In between the show, he
and a member performed sand painting and he commented that he learns
some new skills on his free time: "It's just the simple skills, he also
said I have the talent. (Will spend more time learning?) Where will I
find the time! This is easy to learn but difficult to master. One has to
have a solid artistic background, so wait until I retire first! (That's
a while!) You want me to labor for that long! I've been thinking about
retiring in two years!" Speaking of top producer Lee Tim Sing (李添勝)
retiring in March, Wayne candidly expressed that he will miss him: "But
he is already 67 years old, I don't want him to work too hard." He also
revealed that they are planning a huge farewell celebration.
Regarding Lee Tim Sing's production Rosy Business 3 (巾幗梟雄之諜血長天) being
frozen, he said he can't do anything about it and will leave it to the
executive's decision: "We, actors, don't really mind, we've done our
best and that's what matters. (New series "Here Comes The God of Wealth"
(財神駕到) is also being frozen?) "Not exactly. The post-production isn't
finished yet. Also, period dramas don't really have a predetermined good
airing time, it can be aired the next year." Wayne also mentioned that
the company plans to air Short End of The Stick (公公出宮) before he and
Teresa Mo (毛舜筠) films a new upcoming sitcom which is currently set to
have 120 episodes.