Feng Hui Tang stated: “In an effort to comply with the wishes of the public, we contacted the other stations regarding a possible meeting; we contacted TVB first (the organizers of JSG Awards), however TVB responded that a meeting is not necessary and no changes need to be made; Metro Radio also indicated that they would respect each station’s “methods.” Though Chik Chak 903 Radio agreed to a meeting, in the end, we were not able to come to a consensus (between the 4 stations), so this year we will not be cancelling the “Media Award”, however it will definitely be up for discussion next year.”
In terms of whether he felt that the “Media Award” is unfair now, Feng stated: “There have been rumors that RTHK will be giving a lot of awards to Eason Chan (to balance things out), however that is not true, so the award should not be “unfair” since majority of the votes would come from the audience.”
Chow Kwok Feng does not feel that the “Media Award” has lost its meaning and significance; in fact, he insists that RTHK’s Top Ten Music Awards will be the most “complete” and “intact” music award ceremony in HK this year. According to reports, both TVB and RTHK will be simultaneously broadcasting the awards ceremony on Jan. 30th, however since TVB will need to make room for commercials, it remains to be seen whether TVB will truly allow the “Big 4 artists” to “appear” on the show [after editing].