Jacqueline Wong (黃心穎) attends the promotion activity for Nothing Special Force (雜警奇兵) series at Ma On Shan and asking if she is worried about the rating record as it is airing for 2 hours on every Sunday only, she replies there is benefits: "We gain the benefits as you get to see me from September to December and it becomes the "anniversary" show."
Mentioning about wearing braces in the series, Jacqueline expresses she will attend events based on her role image if good responses. When asked if her rumoured boyfriend, Kenneth Ma (馬國明) loves her role image, Jacqueline says: "He is cute if I say he is cute and I do resemble my role image when small. (Show your childhood photos to him?) Yes, he praises me and dares not give negative comment anyway. (See his childhood photos too?) A few. (Staring into space too?) Yes."