In the aftermath of the “OnSum Cheating” (安心偷食) scandal, Andy Hui (許志安) had immediately come forth in a press conference admitting to cheating on his wife, Sammi Cheng (鄭秀文). In the press conference, Andy Hui said he will be taking a temporary leave of absence from his work obligations to self reflect. His management company also issued a letter about the scandal and echoed Andy Hui’s sentiments. This probably means Andy Hui’s September concert in the Hong Kong coliseum will most likely be postponed.
Jacqueline Wong (黃心穎) nor Kenneth Ma (馬國明) has made any statements or responded to the media. While Kenneth Ma had a day off from filming his new series, “The Exorcist’s Meter 2.0” (降魔的2.0), reporters were hounding his mother, trying to get information about him. In the interview, she sounded calm and collected and even said Kenneth Ma was at home watching a game. When asked about her impression of Jacqueline Wong, Kenneth Ma’s mom says, “Very basic. Meaning, I wouldn’t say I like her or dislike her. There’s nothing wrong with her.” Later on, it was said Kenneth Ma called his mother telling her not to say so much to the reporters.
TVB executive, Virginia Lok (樂易玲), responded to Oriental Daily News and said, “I need to see how to handle this, but at this time, I am very concerned about Kenneth Ma and worried about him because he has to work. He still needs to face the media. When asked if Jacqueline Wong contacted her, she said, “Yes, but I need to clear my mind first and see how to handle this.”
While Virginia Lok hasn’t mentioned Jacqueline Wong being frozen, many sources have reported that TVB has already halted all of Jacqueline Wong’s work activities. Her series, “The Offliners” (堅離地愛堅離地), was set to air on May 13th, but it is rumore
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