When asked if he felt pressurised as House of Spirits (一屋老友記) series starring Bobby Au Yeung (歐陽震華) achieved high ratings, Eddie said: "Nope. Low ratings comes from many factors. For example: I filmed Come with Me (性在有情) series and many audiences commented it was not AV. Ratings do not really bother me but I do hope the ratings will be high. TVB is my maternal home and I will not be what I am today if not for TVB. (When the series will be broadcasting?) No idea and have to ask film producer. It might be change unless we are fighting for a battle. (When you will be filming TVB series again?) Next year. Initially, I plan to bring my children for holidays during summer but need to film Mainland China ancient drama now. I am also discussing about new film and might be able to bring them for holidays around Lunar New Year 2017."