Snow Suen (孫慧雪) attends an event on 06 July with her big stomach and she continues to have agile actions. Asking about the numbers of her pregnancy, she says: "34 weeks already and weigh 7 pounds now. The doctor says my baby may weigh 10 pounds upon the delivery. I plan to go for natural birth but the doctor says it may be impossible and tells me to go for cesarean section. Anyway, need to see after the next check-up and I am worried about having no doctor for operation as he is on leave. (Do you know the baby gender?) I tell the doctor to keep it a secret so as to have some surprise. (Decide on the name yet?) My hubby gives the English name as Riley and we have not think of the Chinese name yet. Perhaps we call him/her as Ah Ri or Ah Yue since he is poor in Chinese character."
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