Moses Chan (陳豪) and Sammy Leung (森美) are present at an event, Experience Macau 2017 Your Own Style Carnival(感受澳門無限式嘉年華) on 28 October and asking if Line Walker: The Prelude (使徒行者2) series has a sequel as Kenneth Ma (馬國明) appears as Moses's brother during the finale on 27 October, Moses says: "I do not hear anything about the sequel yet but it has a high possibility. The series increases our popularity and hope it will bring us more work opportunities. (Any confidence to win TV King award?) Nope and I treat it normally. Gaining popularity is already a bonus and winning award depends on the luck." When reminded Vincent Wong (王浩信) becomes TV King during StarHub TVB Awards 2017, Moses does not show much response and congratulates him only. TVB needs the right artiste and it is the right time.
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