When asked about that incident and filming Heart and Greed 3 (溏心3) series after 10 years, Ha Yu believes there is many factors to winning TV King award: "It is considered an explosion and many people say it is black smoke. Moses is their "flesh and blood" son and I reject to renew my contract at that point. It is understandable that TVB does not give me the award and there is many factors actually."
Asking if he feels better after winning TV King award based on Moonlight Resonance (溏心風暴之家好月圓) series, Ha Yu says: "I win on the second year and not because my acting skills is good but there is many factors. It is an accumulation as many netizens feel unfair for me and I guess the audiences will break them apart if TVB refuses to give me the award again."
Ha Yu confesses to putting lots of efforts in Heart and Greed series trilogy and it produces good effects as a result. He also reveals he imparts the comedy skills to Moses: "Moses is not a comedian and most of his comedy skills come from me. Subsequently, he wins Most Popular Male Character award followed by Best Actor award."