Virginia Lok recently attended an event and was asked if she had been in contact with Jacqueline Wong lately. She revealed they’ve always been in contact and gave an update on Jacqueline Wong’s current status with TVB. She disclosed she had breakfast with Jacqueline last week. When asked about Jacqueline Wong’s current state of mind, Virginia Lok revealed she seemed okay, felt she was happier and saw that she was very fit. Virginia Lok said Jacqueline Wong had expressed her intentions to return to the front of the camera. She expressed, “She really said it this time. We discussed it a bit. She’s still so young and thinking about what kind of opportunities she has in the future.”
When asked if she would continue developing in this industry, Virginia Lok revealed they didn’t go too deep into discussing this matter as she didn’t want to give Jacqueline Wong added pressure. Virginia Lok said she asked Jacqueline Wong about her plans, whether she plans to stay in Hong Kong or in the entertainment industry. Jacqueline Wong told her she had to think it over.