When asked about the biggest carats of diamond ring given by Raymond Lam (林峯), Karena said "It is the sincerity that counts but not the carats. Anyway, I do not receive any diamond ring from him yet. The ring should be given at an appropriate timing. (Waiting for him to give you?) I can buy it by myself and I am not in a hurry to receive wedding ring.".
When mentioned about Raymond was chok, hurt his back and absent from Shanghai TV Festival (上海電視節), Karena replied that she knew about his injury and said "It is quite serious and he is currently waiting for the medical report. I did accompany him to see the doctor. (He is chok on his bed and injured, is it caused by you indirectly?) Nope. He is busy doing exercises and keeps going to gym. It could be due to a tight schedule and the exercise positions. (Heard that he also chok on his bed and injured before?) He is injured while exercising and this is old plus new injury. (When he will recover?) No idea. Heard that he is quite seriously injured and cannot walk much too. He has many old injuries from filming plus exercising, the injuries become very serious. (Will it affect his fertility?) The doctor tells him to have plently of rest and refrain from doing many exercises. (You will keep telling him to rest?) He cannot walk much and needs to rest. (Apply leave to accompany him?) I will accompany him to see doctor and work thereafter. He will rest, sleep and take medicines. (Heart pain?) I will keep telling him to rest and I think he needs to undergo for physiotherapy afterwards. (Massaging him?) Cannot massage him randomly and the doctor tells him not to go for any massages.".