When mentioned about the report discussed about their daughter, Alyssa Chin (錢凱晴), and made Angela to shout, Angela denied immediately and said: "Many SMS to console me but I have no idea about this but will not feel unhappy despite knowing it." Ka Lok also stressed he did not feel unhappy and said: "I do not mind and everyone has their own views in terms of appearance. I will be dashing if it is me." Angela immediately added: "Thus I love my daughter very much."
Knows how to give his love to the loved ones
Ka Lok empahasised that it was hard to influence a person's thinking and he felt that his daughter was a happy and healthy kid, and will be contented if she was happy. He said: "We see each other frequently with our daughter around. I am not worried about her appearance and she will share her toys and food with other children in Play Group. She has a good and unselfish character which resembles me." Ka Lok expressed that his daughter was 16 months old and had no plans for her to enter into entertainment industry, and said :"Alyssa's results do not matter and most importantly, she must enjoy her life and treat her loved ones good."