New mother, Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) accepted an interview and revealed that
during her high school years she was a vegetarian and after becoming
pregnant she had began eating meat in order to give her baby more
nutrition. "At first I was not use to it, in a short time my body slowly
adapted to eating meat, but I cannot eat lamb". She also said a lot of
elderly people have helped her a lot during her postpartum period, her
mother and grandmother looked after her the most. "Everyday, my mum
would make a lot of soup for me like pork liver soup, Chinese swim
bladder and more. My grandmother is a Chinese doctor, she looks after my
health and well-being. She doesn't prepare any food that contains
Chinese medicine, but recommends me to drink lots of soup, particularly
chicken soup, red date water and more. She also advised me to not to eat
a lot of foods that has a lot of heat, as it not good for women during
their pregnancy. Everyday, my warm loving dad will personally bake fresh
bread for me to eat." Aimee jokingly said she wishes her postpartum
period could last for 100 days.
Aimee will always place his son first place in her heart and will do
anything for him, she even expressed that she doesn't mind her body
figure change from breastfeeding. She said "Looking after a child is not
easy, I will do some yoga if I have time, as it will help me slim down
and relax at the same time. Although I breastfeed, everyday I eat a lot
of cheese, drink milk and drink my grandmother's fish soup. There is
nothing more important than seeing my son grow up healthy and strong".