Artiste Natalie Tong (唐詩詠) was promoting the new series, Rear Mirror
(載得有情人), in Shep Kip Mei (石硤尾), and when asked about her break-up with
old love, Amigo Choi, whom betrayed her for going to pub with his new
girlfriend, she said: "I wish him all the best. They are getting married
and we are good friends only. (You know his new girlfriend?) Nope and
he does not introduce her to me. (When and why break-off?) I cannot
reply and it is a peaceful separation. (Third party?) Nope. (Why
hesitate to answer?) Nope and it is unrelated. (Is it because he forces
you to get married and you break-up with him?) This is personal affair
and I am not suitable to get married now."
Natalie disclosed that her friends tried to introduce guys to her and
said: "I am scared of matchmaking. My friends show me photo but it
depends on fate. (See anyone you like?) Sporty and macho man. I am
really scared and belongs to reactive person. (Will not choose the man
from entertainment industry?) It does not matter and depends on the