Sent her blessings to Nicholas Tse
When mentioned about her two sons, Cecilia said: "Feel grateful as the school allows Lucas to jump from grade 2 to grade 3. I assume it will be difficult for them to do homework but they adjust to it quickly." Cecilia admitted to bringing her two sons back to Hong Kong for living: "I will follow them whenever they go to. My family and colleagues help to take care of them when I am outside this time. (Did they see Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒)?) You have to ask their dad. (Nicholas's business in Hong Kong is not very good?) I do not read the news and hope bad things will not happen. (Faye Wong (王菲) is pregnant?) I heard about it but it is rumour only."
Clarified she was single
Cecilia clarified she was single and joked that the male reporters could woo her. When mentioned about the dispute with the ex-compnay of the boss, Tiffany Chen (陳嵐), Cecilia avoided it and said: "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"