Yesterday afternoon, Raymond Lam was filming for his concert MV. This is the first time TVB filmed a MV in 3D. They also arranged the 15 Miss Hong Kong contestants to make their first MV appearance as the female leads. There's no losing for Raymond on the TVB First Brother status. Raymond modestly said that there are still many seniors above him, he is absolutely not TVB's First Brother, it's just that recently he's having more opportunities to see audience and therefore created this misunderstanding. Asked if he signed a longer contract to thank TVB? He smiled: "TVB and I have mutual trust, we don't talk about these things (contracts). TVB loves me, I knew that all along. I grew up in TVB, it is my first job and it is TVB who gave me the opportunity. I will do my best to thank them." Has he paid attention to the 15 Miss HK contestants? Raymond expressed that its the first collaboration, he has not had the time to notice them, he joked: "With Reporters at the scene, I definitely won't dare to look over." Reporters teased him saying that he should pay attention to them for the convenience of future collaborations, just like Linda Chung? Raymond said: "Linda is Miss Chinese International, not Miss HK. Before during the meeting, we wanted to invite the previous Miss HKs to help out and someone mentioned Linda, so I clearly remember that she's not a Miss HK."
During the MV filming, Phoebe Pang (#8) was arranged to stand besides Raymond, asked if she was bewildered by Raymond? She said: "Perhaps I don't like his type, so he didn't attract me, but I do think he's very handsome. I like guys that are more athletic." Toby Chan (#13) spread out both of her legs and seemed to have posed sexily? She frankly said that she was embarrassed: "Before I thought filming MVs were easy, but now I know the poses are not easy to do. There were some poses where I couldn't even stand straight, fortunately, the director was around to help me. But I am pretty embarrassed, both of my legs are opened, I used my hands to pull my dress in."