The spokesperson for the event, Clayton Chwang, said: “We just received notification yesterday that Stephen Chan would not be able to participate in the event because of personal reasons.” (Is it because he offended TVB and is on bad terms with them?) “I will not comment on that…you should go ask him.” The situation has led people to think that Stephen Chan is still being ‘banned’ by TVB, as he was first prohibited from hosting Commercial Radio’s new program and now he is not even allowed to attend public functions.
When asked about the situation, TVB’s Director of External Affairs Tsang Sing Ming expressed: “Stephen is not attending the event because of personal reasons. Recently, he had accepted a few jobs and asked the company about them, however TVB feels that the jobs are not suitable for him, so the requests were denied.” (So he is not allowed to attend charity events either?) “Whatever outside jobs he accepts, he is required to report back to the company and obtain approval first. If the company approves, then he can participate”